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Chord gitar Ed Sheeran - Perfect - version 3


Chord gitar lagu / Kunci gitar lagu Ed Sheeran - Perfect - version 3 - ( 10906 )
Ganti Kunci Gitar :  
Capo 1

I found a Glove for mEme
Darling, just dCive right in and follow my lDead
Well, I found a gGirl, beauEmtiful and sweet
Oh, I never knCew you were the someone waiting for mDe

'Cause we were just kids when we fGell in love
Not knowing wEmhat it was
I will not gCive you up this GtimeD
But darling, just kiGss me slow, your heart is aEmll I own
And in your eCyes you're holding mDine

Baby, IEm'm daCncing in the dGark with Dyou between my aEmrms
BCarefoot on the grGass, lDistening to our fEmavorite song
When you sCaid you looked a Gmess, I whispered uDnderneath my brEmeath
But you hCeard it, darling, yGou look pDerfect tonight

G D/F# Em D C D

Well I found a wGoman, stronger than anEmyone I know
She shares my drCeams, I hope that someday I'll share her Dhome
I found a lGove, to carry mEmore than just my secrets
To carry loCve, to carry children of our oDwn

We are still kids, but we're sGo in love
Fighting agaEminst all Odds
I know we'll bCe alright this GtimeD
Darling, just hGold my Hand
Be my girl, I'll Embe your man
I see my fCuture in your eDyes

Baby, IEm'm daCncing in the dGark with Dyou between my aEmrms
BCarefoot on the grGass, lDistening to our fEmavorite song
When I sCaw you in that DGress, looking so bDeautiful Em
IEm don't desCerve this darling, yGou look pDerfect tonight

G Em C D
Baby, IEm'm daCncing in the dGark with Dyou between my aEmrms
BCarefoot on the grGass, lDistening to our fEmavorite song
I have fCaith in what I Gsee
Now I know DI have met an Emangel in PCerson
And sGhe looks pDerfect, I dCon't deserve tDhis

You look perfect tonight
Transpose Chord :  

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Ed Sheeran - Perfect - version 3
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Lihat kumpulan Chord gitar Ed Sheeran Lengkap disini.

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