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Chord gitar Kodaline - High hopes


Chord gitar lagu / Kunci gitar lagu Kodaline - High hopes - ( 15614 )
Ganti Kunci Gitar :  
Capo 4th

You can use the following chords, or any other variation you prefer
C C/B Am F E7 G
Verse 1:

C Broken C/Bbottles in theAm hotel lobby
F Seems to Cme like I'm just E7scared of never Amfeeling Git aFgain
I knCow it's cE7razy to belAmieve in sGilly thFings
It's not that eaGsy

Verse 2:

C I remember itC/B now, it takes me bAmack to when it all first started
F But I only gCot myself to E7blame for it, and AmI accGept thatF now
It's tCime to E7let it go, go Amout and Gstart aFgain
But it's not that eGasy

Chorus 1:

But I've got
F high hCopes, it taE7kes me back to whAmen we stGarted
F High hCopes, when you E7 let it go, go Amout and Gstart again
F High Chopes, E7 when it Amall comesG to an eFnd
But the world keeps sGpinning arounCd


C/B Am
F C E7 Am G
Verse 3:

C And in my C/Bdreams, I meet the Amghosts of all the people who've come and gone
F MemoriesC, they seem to show E7up so quick but they Amleave you Gfar too Fsoon
NaivCe, I was just E7staring at the Ambarrel Gof the Fgun
And I do belGieve that

Chorus 2:

But I've got
F high hCopes, it taE7kes me back to whAmen we stGarted
F High hCopes, when you E7 let it go, go Amout and Gstart again
F HighC hopes, E7 oh when iAmt all comGes to anF end
And the world keeps sGpinning
F yeah the world keeps Gspinning arounCd


C/B Am
F C E7 Am G

F High hCopes, it taE7kes me back to whAmen we stGarted
F High hCopes, when you E7 let it go, go Amout and Gstart again
F High hCopes, ooohhhE7 Am G
F And the world keeps sGpinning
F Yeah this world keeps Gspinning

F How this world keeps G spinning Caround


C/B Am

Transpose Chord :  

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Chord gitar Pesan Terakhir Lyodra
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15 Chord Gitar Ebiet g ade Paling Sering dimainkan di website ini.

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Chord Lainnya
Kodaline - All I Want
Kodaline - Autopilot
Kodaline - Better
Kodaline - Big bad world
Kodaline - Brother
Kodaline - High hopes
Kodaline - Honest
Lihat kumpulan Chord gitar Kodaline Lengkap disini.

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