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Chord gitar James Arthur - Thinking out loud


Chord gitar lagu / Kunci gitar lagu James Arthur - Thinking out loud - ( 763 )
Ganti Kunci Gitar :  
c F G

c F G
When your looks don't work like they used to before
ACnd I can't sweep youF off of yoGur feet
C Will yourF mouth stillG remember the taste of my love
C Will your eyes still sFmile from yGour cheeks

CAnd darling I will be Floving you 'Gtil we're C70 F G
C And baby my heart could still Ffall as hard Gat 2C3
F And I'm thinking 'bout Ghow peFople fall in love in mysteGrious AMways
DM Maybe just the touch of a Ghand
F Oh me I fall in love with youG every single AMday
DM And I just wanna tell you I Gam

CSo honey now

F TaGke me into your lovinCg arms

F Kiss me uGnder the light of a tChousand stars
FPlace Gyour head on Cmy beating heart
F IG'm thinking out loud
AM Maybe we fGound love right Cwhere we are

CWhen my hair's all but gone and my Fmemory faGdes
C And the crowds don't rememFber my name G
C When my hands don't Fplay the strings theG same way, mm
C I know you will still love Fme the sGame

C'Cause honey your soul can never Fgrow olGd, iCt's evergreen F
G Baby Cyour smile's Fforever in my Gmind and mCemory F G

F people fall in love in GmysteriousAM ways
DM Maybe it's all part of a plan G
G FI'll just keep on making the same Gmistakes
AM Hoping that DMyou'll understand

G CBut baby now
F Take me into yourG lovingC arms
F Kiss me under the Glight of a Cthousand stars
F PlacGe your head on my beating Cheart
F I'm thinking out loud
G Cause we found love right where we areC, oh

GOh baby we found loveF right where Gwe areC
GAnd we found love Fright where Gwe arCe

Transpose Chord :  

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Chord Lainnya
James Arthur - Ill reach you
James Arthur - Say you wont let go
James Arthur - Thinking out loud
Lihat kumpulan Chord gitar James Arthur Lengkap disini.

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